

The electricity demand of the State is met through generation from KSEBL, Central Generating Stations (CGS), Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and Traders. Generation from KSEBL’s own plants provide 30 per cent (6791.8 MU) of the total energy requirement. Import from CGS, IPPs, UI and Traders provides the rest of the (15791.6 MU) total requirement 19378.55 MU of energy was sold (including sales outside the State) during the year 2015-16. The total additional capacity added from all sources during the year 2015-16 was 44.5 MW.

On-going Hydro Electric Projects in the State

The details of the important on-going Hydro Electric projects in the State with expected date of commissioning are given in Table 5.12.

Table 5.12
Important ongoing Hydro Electric Projects in the State

Sl. No. Name of Scheme Installed Capacity (MW) Expected month of commissioning
1 Thottiar HEP 40 December 2018
2 Sengulam Augmentation Scheme 85 MU June 2018
3 Chathankottunada II SHEP 6 June 2018
4 Kakkayam SHEP 3 December 2017
5 Perumthenaruvi SHEP 6 November 2016
6 Peringalkuthu SHEP 24 March 2018
7 Bhoothathankettu SHEP 24 January 2018
8 Upper Kallar 2 August 2018

Source: KSEBL

Only one hydro electric project is expected to be completed in the year 2016-17. Apart from this, the following SPV projects (Table.5.13) of KSEBL were tendered and the works are in progress. The details of other hydroelectric schemes are given in Appendix 5.27.

Table 5.13
Solar projects of KSEBL under construction

Sl.No Name of the project and Location Capacity of the Scheme
1 SPV Roof top of Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvanathapuram. 0.03 MW
2 Ground mounted SPV at Ettuumanoor 1.0 MW
3 Roof top SPV over transmission buildings of KSEBL at 27 locations 0.91 MW
4 Roof top SPV over distribution buildings of KSEBL at 12 locations 0.46 MW
5 SPV project at Kollengode, Palakkad 1.0 MW
6 SPV project at Edayar 1.25 MW
7 SPV plant Thalakkulathur, Kozhikkode 0.65 MW
8 SPV plant at Pothencode 2.0 MW
9 SPV plant at Choolissery, Madakkathara 1.5 MW
10 Padinjarethara Dam top Wayanad 400 KW
11 Off-grid solar PV plant in 15 Hamlets of Palakkad District 131.5 KW

Source: KSEBL

Pattern of Power Consumption

Kerala’s consumption is predominantly domestic, which account for 51 per cent of the total consumption. Revenue from Domestic consumers is only 36 per cent of the total revenue. The domestic category consumers showed a growth rate of 1.52 per cent from 89,87,947 in 2014-15 to 91,24,747 in 2015-16. Per capita consumption has increased by 3.86 per cent, that is,. to 565 KWh in 2015-16 against 544kWh in 2014-15. During 2015-16, 19,325 MU of energy valued at 10,44,601 lakh was sold (internally) showing an increase of 899 MU as compared to the previous year’s 18,426 MU. Total consumption and per capita consumption of electricity in Kerala show a fluctuating pattern of growth. The details of consumption of electricity in Kerala for the years 2011-12 to 2015-16 is given in Table 5.14 and the details of the pattern of power consumption and revenue collected during 2015-16 is furnished in Appendix 5.28.

Table 5.14
Consumption of Electricity in Kerala

Year  Total Consumption of Electricity (MU)  Growth Rate (per cent) Per Capita Consumption of Electricity (kWh) Growth Rate (per cent)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2011-12 15981   478  
2012-13 16838 5.36 501 4.8
2013-14 17454 3.65 516 2.9
2014-15 18426 5.5 544 5.4
2015-16 19325 4.8 565 3.8

Source: Figures in column 2&4 are compiled from KSEBL

Box 5.9
13th Five Year Plan - Constitution of Working Group on Energy

In connection with the preparation of 13 th Five year plan for the State, Working Group on Energy was reconstituted with Sri. Paul Antony IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Department of Power and Sri Prabir Purkayastha, President Centre for Technology and Development, New Delhi/Chairperson Knowledge commons as Co-Chair persons. The committee comprises eminent experts from various areas related to Energy

Electrical Energy Consumption

In Kerala, electrical energy consumption has increased to 19,325.07 MU in 2015-16 from 18,426.27 MU during 2014-15 with a per cent increase of 4.87 per cent. Electrical Energy consumption in Kerala during 2011-12 to 2015-16 is depicted in Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10
Electrical Energy Consumption in Kerala (Kwh)

Source: KSEB

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

As noted earlier, purchase of power is an important means by which Kerala’s energy requirements are met. To this end, KSEB has entered into Power Purchase Agreements with various Central Generating Stations like NTPC and Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) envisaged for Southern Region. This includes purchase of 229 MW of power from nuclear power stations and 1244.6 MW of power from various thermal stations for the year 2015-16. As a measure to encourage non-conventional sources of energy, KSEBL has executed PPAs for purchase of power from Wind Energy Projects Agali (18.60 MW) & Ramakkalmedu (14.25MW) and from small Hydro Projects Meenvallam (3MW), Iruttukkanam (3 MW), Karikkayam (10.5 MW), Ullunkal (7 MW) and Iruttukanam (4.5 MW). Power is also being purchased from co-generation plant of MPS steel (10MW) and RGCCPP, Kayamkulam (359MW). The capacity allocated from various stations for which the PPAs have been executed is given in Appendix 5.29.
