Transmission of electricity refers to the bulk transfer of power over a long distance at high voltage, generally of 110 kV and above. A good transmission system is necessary for effective distribution and to procure power from outside the State. In the Transmission sector, many planned works could not be taken up due to land acquisition and right of way related issues. In the year 2015-16 out of the target of 12 numbers of 110 kV substations, 8 substations was completed and in the case of 66 kV substations, 3 substation was completed against the target of 4. In the case of 33kV substation, 3 substation was completed while there is no progress in the case of 220kV sub stations. Kerala’s transmission system consisting of substations and its connected lines are given in Appendix 5.30 and Appendix 5.31
The major achievement in the grid during 2015-16 was the commissioning of 400kV Mysore-Arecode line on October 14, 2015. With the addition of interstate feeder, the import capability has been enhanced from 1800MW to 2400MW. Medium Term Open Access for 297MW from CSPDCL (NVVN) has been scheduled from October 22, 2015 onwards. Long Term Open Access power from Maithon & DVC was operationalized in 2015-16 from December 17, 2015 and March 4, 2016 respectively.
As the T&D losses was not able to capture all the losses in the network, concept of Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses (AT&C) was introduced. AT&C loss captures Technical as well as commercial losses in the network and is a true indicator of total losses in the system. During 2015-16, AT&C loss has come down to 16.04 per cent while T&D loss has touched 14.37 per cent. The corresponding data of AT&C loss for the country is 23.04 per cent (2013-14).It means that KSEB has made significant achievement in the field of reducing AT&C loss. From 2003-04 onwards, AT&C loss was considerably reduced by way of replacement of faulty meters, intensification of theft detection, installation of new substations and lines, up gradation and modernization of sub transmission and distribution network through Accelerated Power Development Reforms Programme (APDRP). The impact of AT & C loss reduction during the last five years is shown in Appendix 5.32. The decreasing trend of T & D loss during the last 5 years is depicted in Figure.5.11. Transmission and Distribution loss has come down marginally by 1.25 per cent from 2011-12 to 2015-16.
Source: KSEBL