

In the distribution segment, there are 57650 Kms of 11 kV lines, 285970 Kms of LT lines, 73460 nos. of distribution transformers. During the financial year 2015-16, 3, 81,247 service connections were given (against the target of 4,59 ,020), 2,022 kms of 11 kV lines (against the target of 2377kms) and 3312 kms of LT line (against the target of 4826 kms) were commissioned. The target and achievement of the distribution infrastructure during 2015-16 is given in Appendix 5.33.

Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme (R-APDRP)

The R-APDRP programme is sponsored by Government of India and funded through Power Finance Corporation (PFC). Part-A of the programme is for building up a solid IT infrastructure like Data centre, and Wide Area Network for power utilities. The progress achieved in the implementation of the above project in KSEB is summarized as follows:

1. Data Centre: -A full-fledged Data Centre has been setup in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram for hosting the software application of KSEB.

2. Wide Area Network: As part of establishment of Wide Area Network, about 680 Electrical Sections were connected to the Data centre through MPLS VPN network. Steps are being taken to connect the remaining Electrical Sections along with Electrical Circles and Divisions to the Data Centre.

3. Centralised Customer Care Services (CCC): Call Centre cum customer care centre has been set up in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Thiruvananthapuram and is functioning since 2014. Around 28 call centre executives work in the above facility to attend complaints/queries from the consumers under various Electrical Sections all over Kerala. During 2015-16, the incoming calls were 2,95,023 and 2,48,069 complaints were registered and attended through CCC.

4. Web Self Services: This online portal provides facilities like e-payment, bill view, consumption pattern and meter reading history. 680 Electrical Sections are attached to the above website for providing consumer services.

Under R-APDRP Part-B, 43 schemes were sanctioned with an outlay of 1,078.3 cr. Works in 40 towns with a total outlay of 530.7 cr are being done departmentally. As on March 31, 2016, works amounting to 307.45 cr were completed. For the balance three schemes namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode & Kochi with a total outlay of 547.5 cr, work is being done on turnkey basis. As on March 31,2016 works amounting to 258.793 Cr were completed.

Major Projects in the Pipeline

Solar Park

As per the renewable purchase obligation notified by Regulatory Commission, the solar power purchase obligation for distribution licensees is 0.25 per cent of the total energy consumption for the year 2010-11 which will increase every year to reach 3 per cent by 2022. KSEBL proposes to implement solar power plants at vacant lands available at the sites of existing substations, powerhouses and rooftops of Vydyuthi Bhavanams and also in various government buildings.

The KSEBL has executed Memorandum of Understanding with Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to develop different types of Solar Power Projects within / outside the State of Kerala. The proposal for setting up of 200 MW Solar Park at Kasargode District had been approved in-principle by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) on March 19, 2015. Government of Kerala has accorded sanction for the incorporation of the Joint Venture Company namely Solar Power Park Developer (SPPD) between Solar Energy Corporation of India and KSEBL for the implementation of the project in Kerala. Out of the 200MW, implementation of 50MW had been awarded on October 29, 2015. The work has commenced.

Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS)

Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) was launched by Ministry of Power, Government of India for improving the distribution infrastructure of urban areas. The scheme include construction of 33kV substations, construction of 11kV overhead lines and underground cables, construction of LT lines, installation of transformers, and replacement of electro mechanical meters with electronic meters. An amount of 592.07 crore has been sanctioned for the scheme. Out of this 32.82 crore has been received by KSEBL as central share.

Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)

This is another program launched by Ministry of Power for reducing AT&C loss, providing electricity to all households and for ensuring 24x7 power supply. Government of India has sanctioned an amount of 485.37 Crore on January 5, 2016 for implementing DDUGJY in the 14 districts of Kerala. As per the scheme, 1,61,199 rural households are proposed to be electrified. Among these, 41,884 numbers belong to BPL category. Work include construction of 33kV Substations & 33kV lines, 11kV lines & LT lines, installation of distribution transformers, replacement of energy meters and effecting BPL service connections.

The erstwhile Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) scheme for village electrification and providing electricity distribution infrastructure in the rural areas has been subsumed in the DDUGJY scheme. The details of the financial and physical progress of implementation of RGGVY are shown in the Appendix 5.34.

Demand Side Management activities

As part of Demand Side Management (DSM) activities, an Energy Audit Cell has been formed during the year 2007 with an objective of conducting Energy Audit and for taking steps as per provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. As part of this, workshops have been conducted in thermal and hydro stations for formulating action plan for energy audits and for promoting energy conservation activities. Anti-Power Theft Squad (APTS) was active during the last 5 years. The details of amount realized by means of APTS inspections are detailed in Table 5.15

Table 5.15
Anti-Power Theft Squad (APTS) Inspection

Particulars 2011-12 2015-16 Per cent Change
1 2 3 4
No of inspections 24090 34313 42.43
No. of cases Registered 336 449 33.63
Amount Assessed in (Rs.Crore) 17.39 31.33 80.16
Amount realized in (Rs.Crore) 11.35 18.69 64.66

Source: Figures in Column 2&3 are from KSEBL.

During the year 2015-16, APTS wing conducted 34313 numbers of inspections across the State. 449 cases of power theft were detected from these inspections.

Achievements of KSEBL during 2015-16

  • Commissioned three Hydro Electric projects during this period: a) Chimmony HEP (2.5MW) b) Barapole HEP(15MW) and c) Adyanpara HEP(3.5 MW)
  • 8 No’s of 110 kV, 3 No’s of 66 kV and 3 No’s of 33 kV substations were commissioned
  • 381247 no. of new service connections was given & 2389 No’s of new distribution transformers were installed
  • 2022 km of new 11 kv lines were installed & 3312 km of new LT lines were commissioned
  • 2294 km single phase lines converted to three phase lines
  • 660735 No’s of faulty meters were replaced
  • Another important programme implemented by KSEBL during this period was Labha Prabha (3rd Season). The programme aims to implement Domestic Efficient Lighting Program (DELP) to promote energy conservation by replacing filament lamps and often used CFLs in households with energy efficient LED bulbs. It was targeted to provide two numbers of 9W LED bulb to 75 lakh domestic consumers during the year 2016-17. About 350MW reduction in the peak demand and 400 MU savings in energy consumption is anticipated in the State with the implementation of the scheme. Almost 25 lakhs LED lamps have been distributed among the domestic consumers.
  • Under ESCOT (Energy Saving and Co-ordination Team), the project of improving energy efficiency in Drinking Water Scheme (Jaladhara/Jalanidhi) has been started. Energy Conservation activities in Ice plants are progressing.

Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT)

Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT) is an autonomous body under the Power Department, Government of Kerala. ANERT is the nodal agency for the implementation and propagation of non-conventional sources of energy in the State.

The programmes taken up by ANERT includes Solar photovoltaic programmes, Solar thermal programmes, Wind energy programmes, Biogas programmes, Improved Chulha programmes, Publicity and awareness programmes. The assistance from Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India is also available for these schemes based on MNRE guidelines.

Achievements of ANERT during 2015-16

  • ANERT has installed 4492 family type bio gas plants under state scheme 2015-16. Further 9 biogas plants above 6m3 were also installed.4561 improved chulhas have been installed under 2015-16 programme (3676 nos. of improved chulha to SC/ST & Total Housing Scheme beneficiaries and 885 nos. under community models).
  • During 2015-16,5720 evacuated tube collector type solar water heating systems of collector area 8580 m2 and 354 flat plate collector based solar water heating systems of solar collector area 708 m2 have been installed and subsidy given to 7335 m2 ETC (Evacuated Tube Collector) based systems and 490m2 FPC (Flat Plate Collector) based systems.
  • 4 major deposit works were executed by ANERT during this period. They are 1) 15 m3 bio gas plant at Mental Health Centre, Thiruvanathapuram 2) 10 m3 Bio gas plant at SAP camp, Thiruvanathapuram 3) 15 m3 Bio gas plant at Govt. Engineering College, Kannur and 4) 6 m3 bio gas plant at Police Training College, Thiruvanathapuram.
  • ANERT has conducted 9 training programmes on renewable energy sectors at different levels and 2 training and capacity building programmes for their own staff. 36 exhibitions were also sponsored by ANERT.

Energy Management Centre (EMC)

Energy Management Centre (EMC), Kerala is an autonomous body under the Department of Power, Government of Kerala, devoted to the improvement of energy efficiency in the State, promotion of energy conservation and encouraging development of technologies related to energy through research, training, demonstration programmes and awareness creation.

Achievements of Energy Management Centre during 2015-16

  • Energy conservation efforts in the State saved 225.29 MU of electricity, 9610 MT of oil, and 209 MT of LPG.This includes 77 MU total electricity saving by industrial and commercial sector, savings in domestic sector was 147 MU, savings in demonstration projects was 0. 124 MU and implementation of energy audit recommendation was 1.17 MU. Similarly, the savings in Oil and LPG by Industrial and commercial consumers were 9610 MT and 209 MT.
  • EMC has won three prestigious awards i)Second Best State Designated Agency, by Ministry of Power, Govt. of India ii)For implementation of PICO hydel projects, from MNRE, Govt.of India iii)Certificate of Appreciation from UNDP/GEF/BEE for creating awareness on Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC).
  • As Part of Energy clinic programme, 372 women across 9 districts were given training. 680 Energy Clinics were conducted which covered about 10,200 consumers across the state. Energy Clinic (EC) is a novel programme of EMC for energy conservation activities in the domestic sector through women as agents of change for creating energy conservation awareness among women. Energy Clinic is the first of its kind at state level, promoting the value of contributions that women can make through energy conservation.
  • 70 Schools selected in the State for making them energy efficient by providing energy efficient appliances like star rated ceiling fan, LED and T5 Tube.
  • 300 awareness classes were taken by trained resource persons (RPs); 124 RPs trained and deputed by Energy Management Centre across the State.
  • 31 Pico hydro installations have been completed at various hilly districts of Kerala.
  • Inaugurated EMCs green building (~4000 Sq. M) for Office and Institute. 60 kW solar PV for powering the office. Used most modern energy efficient equipment for attaining carbon neutrality.

Department of Electrical Inspectorate

The motto of Meter Testing and Standards Laboratory (MTSL) is to provide testing and calibration of various types of electrical equipment. At present calibration facilities is available for voltage, current, resistance, frequency, power, power factor and energy. The testing facilities include pre-commissioning tests for protection relays and instrument transformers. Also pre-commissioning tests are conducted for power transformers, cables and circuit breakers. All calibrations and tests are conducted as per national and international standards. Enquiry of all electrical accidents occurring in the State and forwarding the enquiry report to the Government and taking actions against responsible person/authority are also done by this department.

Achievements of Electrical Inspectorate during 2015-16

The following are the major achievements of the Department for the year 2015-16.

  • Up gradation of existing 10 Regional Labs as per NABL Standards: Process was initiated to upgrade the existing 10 Regional labs as per NABL (National Accreditation Board for testing and Calibration Laboratories) Standards.
  • Procurement of Solar PV array Tester and Electronic Load Simulator: For the effective implementation of the Kerala Solar Energy Policy 2013, testing facilities are to be set up. As an initial step, Solar PV array Tester has been procured in all districts.
  • Effective Implementation of Quality Control Order: For implementation of Quality Control Order, portable appliance testers are procured for all Districts. Inspection and awareness among trader were started. Through these initiatives, manufacture/ storage/ sale/ distribution of the non-standard electrical gadgets is being controlled in the market.
  • Strengthening of Electrical Consultancy wing of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and Electrical Accident Prevention and Monitoring Cell: As part of it, the construction of additional floor in the existing building of MTSL, Thiruvananthapuram is under progress.

Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (KSERC)

The Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (KSERC), a statutory organization of quasi-judicial nature, was established in the year 2002. The Commission has been taking all efforts to bring in an effective and efficient regulatory process in the Power Sector in the State.

The Commission held 31 hearings for the disposal of the petitions filed before it in 2016-17 (till September 30, 2016). In addition, the Commission held a number of routine internal meetings to transact business relating to administrative matters, framing and finalization of regulations, admission of petitions, Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Expected Revenue from Charges (ARR & ERC) of the licensees and other matter related to the day to day functioning of the Commission.

During the period (up to September 30, 2016), Commission has received 25 petitions including 6 petitions related to the ARR & ERC and truing up of the licensees. The Commission has issued orders on 24 petitions, including pending petitions.The following regulations were published during 2016-17.

1) KSERC (Terms and Conditions of Service of Officers and other Employees) amendment regulations 2016(Gazette No.1437 dated 12-08-2016)

2) KSERC (Grid Interactive Distributed Solar Energy System) Amendment Regulation 2016(Gazette No.836 dated 21-04-2016).

Box 5.10
Energy for cooking-Results of NFHS-3 and NSSO 68th Round

As nationwide discussion is going on regarding the coverage of Green Energy for house hold use, it is relevant from the Energy sector planning perspective to look at the results of two important nationwide surveys conducted in the country related to the household use of fuel for cooking. The results of survey conducted by National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) in 2005-06 and the 68th round of National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 2011-12 are worth mentioning in this context. Table 5.16 shows the result of NFHS-3 with respect to the use of cooking fuel for household uses in Rural and Urban areas of Kerala.

Table 5.16
Results of NFHS-3 2005-06 Cooking Fuel use

Cooking Fuel Urban Rural Total De jure Population
Electricity 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2
LPG/Natural gas 38.9 20.2 26.4 24.3
Biogas 2.3 0.7 1.3 1.2
Kerosene 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.4
Charcoal 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1
Wood 40.5 50.3 47.0 49.2
Straw/Shrubs/Grass 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.5
Agricultural crop waste 16.7 27.3 23.8 24.0
Other 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Source: NFHS-3, Kerala, 2005-06

Table 5.16 shows that majority of the households (72 per cent) use Solid fuels for cooking, mainly wood and agriculture Crop waste. Only 28 per cent of households use clean fuels (LPG, Natural Gas, Bio gas etc.) for cooking (42 per cent in urban areas and 21 per cent in rural areas).

Results of the NSSO 68th round –Energy for cooking.

Table 5.17 shows the results of NSSO 68th round (2011-12) in respect of Kerala regarding the primary source of Energy used for cooking in Rural and Urban areas

Table 5.17
Rural and Urban Comparison Per 1000 distribution of households by primary source of Energy used for cooking- Kerala State

Region Coke,Coal Firewood &Chips LPG Dungcake Kerosene Othersources No Cooking Arrangement All
Rural 1 663 308 0 1 7 20 1000
Urban 0 363 554 0 6 5 72 1000

Source: NSS Report No.567: Energy Sources of Indian Households for cooking and lighting 2011-12.

Table 5.17 indicates that firewood and chips still continues to be the primary source of energy in rural areas in the State and LPG is found to be the primary source in urban areas. But it also important to note that nearly one third of the population in the urban area still uses Firewood and Chips as primary source of energy. It is also worth noting that among the major States, use of LPG for cooking in Rural Households was higher in Tamil Nadu (37.2 per cent) followed by Kerala (30.8 per cent) while in Urban areas dependence on Firewood & chips for cooking was highest in Odisha (36.5 per cent) followed by Kerala (36.3 per cent). The results of the Survey clearly indicate that most of the households in the State rely on Firewood and Chips for their Primary Source of Energy. Penetration of Green energy for household use is therefore relevant and the need of the day.

Notes on NFHS-3: In Kerala, the survey is based on a sample of 3,023 households that is representative at the State level and for Urban and Rural areas in the State. The results were published in December 2008.

Notes on NSSO 68th Round: Number of households surveyed for Type 1 & Type 2 schedule in Kerala under Central Sample for Rural and Urban areas constitutes 8921.The result related to Energy for cooking and Lighting was published in July 2015.Primary Source of Energy for cooking in NSSO data refers to the major source of energy used by the Household for cooking during the 30 days preceding the date of enquiry.

The challenge of meeting Kerala’s energy requirements in the future is significant. Overcoming them however requires careful consideration of the shifts that have taken place over the last several years in this sector. The emergence of power trading through exchanges and the strengthening of the grid at national and regional levels has opened up possibilities that allow to overcome Kerala’s capacity addition constraints in new and innovative ways. This applies to both fossil-fuel based as well as non-fossil fuel and renewable energy sources. This new scenario also requires that urgent attention needs to be paid to the transmission and distribution network in terms of ensuring both adequate capacity and efficiency.
