Sl. No. |
Item | Unit | Kerala | India |
1 | Geographical Area (2001 Census) | Sq: Km | 38,863 | 32,87,240 |
2 | Total Population (2011 Census) | ’000s | 33,387 | 12,10,193 |
3 | Males (As a % of Total population - 2011 Census) | 48 | 51.54 | |
4 | Females (As a % of Total population - 2011 Census) | 52 | 48.46 | |
5 | Rural population (As a % of Total population - 2011 Census) | 52.28 | 68.84 | |
6 | Urban population (As a % of Total population - 2011 Census) | 47.72 | 31.16 | |
7 | Sex Ratio (Females per 1000 males - 2011 Census) | 1084 | 940 | |
8 | 2001-2011 Decadal Growth of Population | Per cent | 4.86 | 17.64 |
9 | Literacy Rate (2011 Census) | Per cent | 93.91 | 74.04 |
10 | Total SC Population (2001 Census) | ’000s | 3124 | 166635 |
11 | Total ST Population (2001 Census) | ’000s | 364 | 84326 |
12 | SC Population (As a % of Total population - 2001 Census) | 9.8 | 16.2 | |
13 | ST Population (As a % of Total population - 2001 Census) | 1.1 | 8.2 | |
14 | Total Workers (2001 Census) | ’000s | 10283.89 | 402234.72 |
15 | Net Area Sown (2008-09) | ’000ha | 2088.95 | 141360 (P) |
16 | Area Sown More than once (2008-09) | ’000ha | 605.98 | 53740 (P) |
17 | Birth Rate | ’000population | 14.8 | 22.1 |
18 | Death Rate |
’000population | 7 | 7.2 |
Sl. No. |
Item | Unit | Kerala | India |
19 | Infant Mortality Rate | ’000population | 13 | 47 |
20 | Child Mortality Rate (0-4 years) |
’000population | 2 | 15 |
21 | Maternal Morality Rate | Per lakh live birth | 81 | 212 |
22 | Total Fertility Rate | Children per woman | 1.7 | 2.6 |
23 | Life at Birth: | |||
Male | In years | 71.4 | 62.6 | |
Female | In years | 76.3 | 64.2 | |
Total | 74 | 63 | ||
Area under principal crops (2009-10) |
24 | Paddy | ’000ha | 234.01 | 41920 |
25 | Total Food grains | ’000ha | 241.53 | 122731 |
26 | Total pulses | ’000ha | 4.45 | 23968 (P) |
27 | Total Livestock – 2007 (P) | ’000s | 3587 | 529698 |
28 | Forest Area (2011) | Sq.Kms | 11309.50 | 692027 |
29 | Total Electricity Generation (2011-12) | MU | 7969.3 | 798947.7 |
30 | Electrical Energy Consumption in Industries (2009-10) | GWH | 1799.87 | 136314.82 |
31 | Officers of the Scheduled Commercial Banks (March 2011) | No. | 4783 | 89110 |
State/National Income 2011-12 QE at current prices |
32 | Gross Income | र Crore |
315205.67 | 8148952 |
33 | Per Capita Income | र | 90816 | 68491 |