The following subdivisions are included in the administrative division under the charge of Senior Administrative Officer to assist technical divisions in the functions of the Board and to administer the day-to-day establishments.
1. Establishment section
2. Plan Publicity section
3. Finance and Internal Vigilance section
4. Accounts section
5. Publication section
6. Computer section
7. Faircopy/Postal section
8. Library
1. Establishment section
The Establishment section handles appointment, transfer, pension and other personal/general files related to service. The Administrative Assistant and the Junior Superintendent oversee the section.
2. Plan Publicity section
Following are the activities of Plan Publicity section:
Printing and Distribution – The printing work of publications of various divisions and other sections of the Planning Board are carried out by the Plan Publicity section. The section handles the printing of the Five-Year Plan, Approach Paper, Economic Review (English and Malayalam), Newsletter, Annual Plan and Working Paper Series of the Evaluation Division. Economic Review (English and Malayalam) is distributed to all District Planning Offices.In addition, copies of various publications are distributed to government agencies and research students.
Official Language Development – The Plan Publicity section oversees the activities for making Malayalam as the official language in the Board. On every working day, 5 Malayalam words similar to the official English words are displayed on the notice board. Malayalam Language Week celebration and Administrative Language Pledge is organised on November 1.
Meeting Arrangements – Arrangements of meetings of various divisions of the Board are made by the Plan Publicity section.
Right to Information Act – As per the Right to Information Act 2015, the Appellate Authority of the State Planning Board is the Evaluation Division Chief, the State Public Information Officer is the Plan Publicity Officer and the Assistant Public Information Officer is the Senior Superintendent of Computer section and Senior Research Officers of. the respective divisions of State Planning Board.
3.Finance and Internal Inspection section
The Finance and Internal Inspection wing conducts internal audit, including inspection of record of District Planning Offices. The section responds to the reports of the Apex Committee, Subject Committee and Public Accounts Committee in a timely manner.
4. Accounts section
The Accounts sectiondeals with the activitiesrelated toemployee salary bills, contingency bills, travel, medical re-employment,and other allowances The section maintains the account registers and pension records of officers of SPB. The Senior Superintendent and the Junior Superintendent are in charge of this section.
5. Publication section
The Publications section handles the publishing activities of the State Planning Board, distribution, maintenance of buildings, telephone, AC, generator, incinerator, biogas plant, furniture, Riso machine and public address system. The Head Clerk and the Publication Officer supervise the section.
6. Computer section
Files related to Information Technology and e-Office of the State Planning Board are handled with the assistance of the IT Section. The section manages the maintenance and day-to-day use of vehicles of the State Planning Board and manages the related files. The Senior Superintendent oversees the computer section.