Kerala was known for long for its high human development at low incomes. But recent years have seen a great change in the status of Kerala. A fairly high density of population, close settlements in the low lands and coastal plains and the increasing movement towards service sector employment has seen Kerala urbanize rapidly. Urbanization has brought to the fore many daunting challenges before the State. Rapid urbanization calls for greater investment in transportation, housing, sewerage, drinking water and waste management. All this calls for vast improvement in the efficacy of public expenditure. Agriculture remains a key sector in the Kerala economy. The global commodity price collapse has affected two of Kerala’s most important crops, namely, natural rubber and coconut. Agro processing and value addition, and safe to eat and organic mode of production are to be supported further to improve incomes of the farmers. Kerala never had great strength in manufacturing and times have become bad. Kerala has taken some major steps in upgrading the skills of labour and for boosting entrepreneurship.
