A team of officers from the ‘Department of Social Security and Development of Women and Children’ of Punjab Government headed by Smt. Madhavi Kattaria, IAS visited Kerala on 19th and 20th of December 2022 to learn the Gender Responsive Budgeting in Kerala. The team had meeting with the Vice Chairperson, Member Secretary, Members and Division Chiefs of State Planning Board on 19th of December 2022. They discussed about the interventions done in the state on the gender budgeting and the achievements made. As part of the field visit, the Punjab team accompanied by the senior officials from Decentalised Planning Division and Social Service Division visited the Manickal Grama Panchayathh in Thiruvananthapuram District on 20th December to learn how local governments in Kerala are intervening in the realm of various development sectors, social security, women empowerment, women and child welfare, good governance, etc. In the meeting held at the Manickal Panchayathh, documentaries and slideshows about panchayth and various initiatives like Haritha Karma Sena, Kudumbasree, womens’ programme were presented before the Punjab team for meaningful interaction. The team visited various initiatives such as Model Anganwadi, Kudumbasree units, palliative care, Manickal FHC, activities of Harithakarma Sena, etc.