IT Wing in the State Planning Board was formed in 1999 vide GO(Rt) No.113/99/ Plg dt.04.03.99, with the objective to enhance the modernisation of State Planning Board and to induce Information Technology. The Chief of Agriculture Division is presently in charge of the IT Wing. The IT Wing with the support of Technical Consultant and Technical Assistant provides the necessary IT support and IT related technical advice to the Board, District Planning Offices.
Desk top computer systems and laptops with good network connectivity have been provided to all officers in the office. A Local Area Network (LAN) is set up and maintained in the Board. The Board has changed over to e-Office file management system from March 1, 2014 onwards, except in the case of external files and bulk reports.
IT Facilities
The Office of Vice Chairperson, Administration Wing, Technical Divisions, Conference Halls, Training Halls, and Library are connected through a Gigabit Ethernet-Switched network. IT Wing has recently upgraded network backbone to 1Gbps by laying single mode fibre.
The local area network (LAN) is build using 3-layer architecture – Access layer, Distribution layer and Core Layer. LAN security is enhanced using state-of-the-art UTM, and Virtual LAN methodology. The structured cabling infrastructure across the campus was upgraded very recently.
Kerala State Planning Board has connectivity of National Information Infrastructure (NII) asignificantly upgraded infrastructure from technological, administrative and e-governance perspectives. Redundant connectivity from another ISP is placed in failover mode using intelligent state-of-the-art hardware. In addition to this, Kerala State Planning Board has been included in the pilot stretch of upcoming KFON network, which would be ready soon.
IT Wing has taken efforts to implement various e-governance initiatives such as e-Office and Government e-Market place (GEM). Also, the video conferencing systems (both hardware & Software based) systems are made available to all technical divisions in SPB. IT wing provides software to officers for their academic and research work.
A fully equipped training hall is also available in the headquarters where computer based training can be imparted. All conference halls and training halls are networked and equipped with a projector, a public address system and are equipped with video conferencing facility as well.