Most of the policy and Plan related activities with regard to the social security, welfare and services of the State come under the purview of this division. More than hundred implementing Departments/Agencies which are related to social services are coming under this division. The Plan and policy works related to 11 major sectors are dealt by nine technical staff under the supervision of the Chief.
Major Sectors dealt by the Division
- Education
- Medical and public health
- Social security and welfare
- Labour and labour welfare
- Water supply and sanitation
- Nutrition
- Sports and youth affairs
- Art and culture
- Information and publicity
- Gender development
- Housing
Major Responsibilities
- Formulation of Five-Year Plans and Annual Plans
- Preparation of Plan Budget and Economic Review
- Midterm appraisal of Plans/schemes/programmes
- Appraisal and progress review of Plans/schemes/programmes
- Review of Plan implementation of the above sectors
Key initiatives of the Division
- Document on social welfare schemes in Kerala
- Expert committee on higher education
- Expert committee on school education
- Expert committee on health
- Report on organisational restructuring of NORKA Roots
- Study on self financing technical educational institutions under Government of Kerala