The State Planning Board organised a two day workshop on State-level statistics for Kerala on July 2 and 3, 2019 at Mascot Hotel, Thiruvananthapuram.

The Workshop was inaugurated by Sri PinarayiVijayan,Chief Minister, Government of Kerala and attended by around 300 delegates which include Dr TMThomas Isaac, Finance Minister, Kerala, Dr VKRamachandran, Vice Chairperson, State Planning Board, eminent Statistical experts in the country, Members of State Planning Board, Secretaries, Heads of various Departments and officials from Department of Economics and Statistics and State Planning Board. Eminent speakers include SriPCMohanan, (Former Member, National Statistics Commission), Sri TJRao, (RtdProfessor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata), Smt MadhuraSwaminathan, (Professor, Indian Statistical Unit, Banglore), Sri GRaveendran, (Former Additional Director General, CSO, Government of India), Sri RGovinda, (Former Vice-Chancellor, NUEPA, New Delhi).