Formulation of Annual Plans, Five-Year Plans, Mid-term appraisal, preparation of Budget and Economic Review (English and Malayalam versions) and review of Plan implementation of the sectors under the division.In addition to this, following functions are also carried out by the division.
- Preparation of Background Paper and Approach Paper to Five-Year Plans.
- Appraisal of projects.
- Specific comments to Government files.
- Conducting workshops and seminars.
- Regular monitoring of various schemes.
- Quick assessment of projects/schemes.
- Verifying project proposals submitted to the Working Group meetings and Special Working Group meetings
- Constitution of need based task forces
- Review of schemes
- Convening/assisting the proper functioning of the expert committees constituted by the State Planning Board on different sectors from time to time.
- Convening of different stakeholder meetings for discussing new policy initiatives of the Government.
- Participating in Working Groups and Special Working Groups