The IT wing provides the following support services to all officers of KSPB.
- Information Technology based solutions to all the technical divisions and the administration wing of State Planning Board.
- Internet access facilities to all officers.
- Assistance for the preparation of Economic Review, Plan Budget, and other publications of State Planning Board
- Support through Special software packages like e-Office, SPSS, and Digital Library.
- Server Support for SPSS, Digital Library System and Bio-Metric Punching System
- Support for e-file movements through e-Office and Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
- Hi tech Video Conferencing (Both under Desktop based (Vidyo software) and Studio based (Polycomm HDX 7000)
- Arranging presentations, videoconferencing facilities at conferences and meetings
- Maintenance and Technical Supports (Hardware & Software issues)
- Updation of official website of KSPB