Content-Alert Service: Alert service provides information on scholarly database, published articles/working paper/study materials made available by professional bodies/publishers on a specific topic, or when new articles are published in a journal.
Newspaper Clippings: This service is a collection of news, editorials, comments and analysis related to State planning and development, which are gathered from 15 newspapers, subscribed in the Library
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC): OPAC is available for books and journals, article database and journal by subject of the library
Article-Alert Service: Indexing and abstracting of articles from journals are compiled and sent by mail
Bibliographic and Documentation Service: Library also provides bibliographic service to its user on demand. A list of bibliographical references would be compiled on the given subject using the available online databases and sent to the concerned user through e-mail
Inter-library loan: As per user demand, Library provides Inter Library loan service in various formats from other libraries
New Arrival List - It contains the details of books added to the Library
Book Alert: Library provides the picture of the front cover, title page and a short abstract of the books purchased in the library.